Rising stars shine in the Junior Trophy

Rising stars shine in the Junior Trophy

October 18, 2023 0 Uncategorized

Young talented drivers need to be seen as much as possible at the beginning of their careers on the circuits. That’s why supporting young drivers is one of the priorities of the ESET Cup and other series. For this reason, there has been a special ranking of the most successful drivers under 23, called the Junior Trophy, since the beginning of the ESET Cup.

It doesn’t matter whether the driver races in touring cars, sports cars, or single-seaters. Thanks to a points coefficient based on the number of participants in each category, everyone has the same conditions. The Junior Trophy classification counts the twelve best results from the season, and the final ranking was definitively decided in October at Balaton Park during the final event of the F4 CEZ certified by FIA.

Martin Kadlečík became the best junior for the year 2023 by winning the Clio Cup Trophy and not being defeated in any of the twelve races throughout the season. Kadlečík collected 111.1 points in the Junior Trophy.

Second place was taken by the F4 CEZ vicechampion, Reno Francot, with a total of 106.92 points. Just behind him was his teammate Ethan Ischer with 103.98 points. Fourth and fifth place were occupied by other teammates, this time from the Mičánek Motorsport team. The duo Jáchym Galáš and Matěj Pavlíček competed this year in the ESET GT in the GTC category. Galáš, in fourth place, scored 102.77 points, while Pavlíček earned 101.2 points. Sixth place was taken by Michael Sauter from F4 CEZ, seventh by Nik Štefančič from the Clio Cup, and the highest-ranked junior from TCR Eastern Europe was eighth-placed René Kircher.

Standings Juniors